رئیس گروه

اعضای هیئت علمی

ابراهیم آزادگان
Associate Professor
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1995-2000
M.Sc. Nuclear Physics, Amir Kabir University of Technology, 2000-2003
PhD Analytic Philosophy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, IPM, 2005-2011
Email: azadegan@sharif.edu
Tel: +98-21-66164146
Mobile: +98-9122083192
Ibn Arabi on the problem of Divine Hiddenness, Journal of Ibn Arabi Society, Vol. 53, 2013
Divine Love and Divine Hiddenness, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2014.
Religious Foundations of Modern Science, Rahjo Journal, 2014 [written in Persian].
Deus Absconditus in Islamic Mysticism Journal of Transcendent Philosophy, 2016
Antitheism and Gratuitous Evil, Heythrop Journal, 2017.
Niloufar Shahinia, Ebrahim Azadegan, ‘How Russelian Monism can contribute to the mind-body problem’ Zehn, 2017 [Persian].
Zahra Zargar, Ebrahim Azadegan, L. Nabavi, ‘Should Methodological Naturalist commit to metaphysical naturalism?’ Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 2019.
Evil in the Fine-tuned world, Heythrop Journal , 2019.
Human dignity and the future of human rights debate in Islamic world, ASIATICA (published by Saint Petersburg State University), 2019.
On the Incompatibility of God’s knowledge of Particulars and the doctrine of divine immutability: towards a reform in Islamic Theology, Religious Studies, 2020.
On the current debate regarding two conceptions of Islam: Totalitarianism vs. Libertarianism, ASIATICA (published by Saint Petersburg State University), 2021.
Modern sciences in religious Iran: An assessment of the educated Iranians’ attitude toward biological evolution, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 2022.
Analytical Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Science and Religion

سید حسن حسینی
+98 21 66022718
Email: hoseinih@sharif.edu, hosseinisarvary@yahoo.com, hosseinisarvary@gmail.com
Islamic Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion

مصطفی تقوی
Associate Professor
Email: m_taqavi@sharif.edu, mostafa.taqavi@gmail.com
Tel: +98-21-66164144
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Technology
Science and technology studies
Philosophy of physics